The introduction of 3D printing technology in the field of medicine has revolutionized the industry, as engineers and doctors can create prostheses that are completely customized for patients.
The "Sarirmed" team is a group of specialists and scientists that uses 3D printing technology to help people in need. By bringing together designers, engineers, doctors, and amputees to create, innovate, redesign and use 3D printable prostheses, we have established ourselves as a leading company in medical 3D technology in Asia.
The use of new technologies of 3D printers, advanced 3D scanners, the use of biocompatible materials and carbon fiber composites, and MRI and CT SCAN images are part of the technologies used by the research team of the “Sarirmed” company.
All the products produced by " Sarirmed " are completely designed, tested, and produced in Iran, and the quality of the products is world-class. The " Sarirmed " is proud to be the only producer of bionic prostheses in the Middle East and its unique technology is used by researchers and scientists to serve humanity. Commitment, creativity, and expertise are the fundamental principles of the " Sarirmed “company and it always takes its steps towards achieving these goals.





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