Prosthetics & Orthosis developed by Sarirmed are designed to incorporate the everyday demands of patients under a variety of day-to-day circumstances. Our range of products including full prosthetics, sockets made with advanced technologies, and parts required for maintenance of the prosthetics, are all designed with maximum comfort and applicability in mind. Our team of experts and collaborators including material and biomedical scientists, design engineers, and academic experts employ cutting-edge technologies to achieve clinical demands by manufacturing high-quality patient-specific products.
New Technology of Prosthetics 
Mechanical Prostheses
Myoelectric Prostheses

اکثر افرادی که تمایل به استفاده از پروتز دارند، از آن برای فعالیت بیشتر و مستقل و یا برای انطباق ظاهر آن استفاده کنند.
انتظار و کاربرد پروتز از فردی به فرد دیگر نیز متفاوت است. برخی افراد به محض بلند شدن بازوی مصنوعی خود را می‌بندند و تا زمانی که به رختخواب بروند دیگر آن را در نمی‌آورند. برخی دیگر ممکن است ترجیح دهند پروتز خود را در زمان‌های خاصی مانند زمانی که در محل کار هستند یا برای ناهار یا شام بیرون می‌روند بپوشند و سپس زمانی که در خانه استراحت می‌کنند، آن را خارج کنند. پروتز های زیبایی "ترمیم عضو سریر" برای افرادی که از پروتز انتظار زیبایی دارند، مناسب می باشد. بسته به نیاز افراد، پروتزهای زیبایی دست را می‌توان به روش‌های مختلف، از رنگ‌ها و مواد منحصربه‌فرد که با رنگ پوست متقاضی مطابقت دارند، تکمیل کرد.

عکس ها و فیلم ها با اجازه رسمی از افراد انتشار یافته و مجوز انتشار آن فقط برای شرکت "ترمیم عضو سریر" می باشد.


Cosmetic prosthetics developed by Sarirmed are manufactured by scanning the amputation sites and remaining tissue and are produced with a similarity resolution of 100 µm. Omitting the requirement for molding, the process employed at Sarirmed eliminates any difficulty for patients and results in advanced prosthetics having a very light weight, very high similarity to patient needs, and incredible resistance to weight, impact, and wear. Having used advanced technologies, these improved properties come with an affordable price tag suitable for every patient. ​​​​​​​

Mechanical prosthetics designed by Sarirmed bring together biomedical science, biomimetic design, and state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies to achieve a functionality superior to any similar product. With the patient being able to move all fingers of the prosthetic and adjust the applied pressure, these lightweight and durable prosthetics restore the functionality of the amputated hand to suffering patients at an affordable cost.


Our most advanced myoelectric prosthetics, enable day-to-day activities such as carrying a handbag, eating and drinking, driving and riding, etc, with high precision. These prosthetics, benefiting from accurate electronics, biomechanics, and signal processing technologies, translate muscle signals to finger movement and replicate the precision of the natural hand in daily applications to a high degree.​​​​​​​


Respecting to our policies, we are offering a wide range of foot and leg prosthetics from best and world class companies. All leg prosthetics are provided by well known companies and high quality materials.

The water-proof, clinical orthosis is significantly advantageous to traditional splints used to support impacted limbs. Sarirmed produces patient-specific individualized orthosis designed with specific demands of the impacted limb in mind. Produced using advanced materials and technologies, these orthoses enable normal day-to-day activities such as working, swimming, or showering, without affecting the functionality required. ​​​​​​​


Prostheses legs and foot are considered as permanent for people in need. Since it is not possible to replace them in short intervals and their appearance may seem boring after a short period of time, the use of covers is considered a suitable solution. These covers are suitable for use in any foot prosthesis brand and its designs can be personalized. All these coverings are produced with 3D printing technology. High accuracy in manufacturing, reasonable price, very light weight and customization capability are the distinguishing features of these products.

Frequently asked questions:

+9821- 66470467
+98910- 2332986

No. 7, Shahid Balavar Alley, Enghelab Street, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 1591639570
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