
Our vision and demands

Iran is one of the largest countries in the middle east, consisting of a population of over 85 million people, more than 9 million of which are aged over 60. Consequently, there is a great demand within the community for medical implants addressing a range of issues such as osteoarthritis, bone fractures, bone loss due to cancer, dental issues etc. this demand is further pronounced when considering the geographical location of Iran, being in the centre of middle east with population of over 400 million people, representing a huge market for medical implants. As a result, implants such as hip replacement, knee replacement, orthopaedic screws, and dental implants, are in huge demand. Our team at Sarirmed welcomes any collaborations with regional and international partners, aiming to address this significant demand through introduction of internationally certified implants to this market. For further inquiry regarding our implant program, feel free to contact us through

Call Now

+9821- 66470467
+98910- 2332986

No. 7, Shahid Balavar Alley, Enghelab Street, Tehran, Iran
Postal Code: 1591639570
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