Who we are?
We are a group of scientists, engineers and doctors gathered together to apply cutting-edge technologies to the field of prosthetic and implant manufacturing. We bring together experts in the fields of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, biomechanics, material sciences, 3D design and manufacturing processes, and electronics. We are committed to the highest standards to ensure the safety, applicability, and durability of the products aiming to enhance the quality of life of patients suffering from a range of orthopedic conditions.
Our vision includes providing advanced orthopedic solutions to patients suffering from different conditions in the 85 million Iranian market, in addition to supporting more than 350 million middle east markets. This includes manufacturing products, in addition to collaborating with international scientific and industrial partners to bring advanced solutions to the region. Aside from limb loss, bone loss caused by congenital birth defects, accidents and disease is a widely prevalent condition in the middle east and Iran. This results in a wide application for hip, knee, spine, and dental implants. Consequently, the team of Sarirmed is looking to collaborate with international partners to offer cutting-edge implant solutions to this region, addressing an extensive demand.
Nima Hashemi

Mehdi Salar Amoli
Head of the board and co-founder of Sarirmed. He is a biomedical scientist who graduated from Imperial College London and KU Leuven with a background in biomaterials and biomedical engineering. His research career has focused on biomaterials used for implants, in addition to advanced manufacturing techniques. 

Nima Hashemi
Chief executive officer and co-founder of Sarirmed. He is an architect who graduated from Griffith University of Australia and the University of Tehran. His expertise lies in biomimetic design and development of prosthetics, along with advanced manufacturing techniques and their application in medical device development. 

Sheida Masoumi

Asal Shahid

Dr. Sheida Masoumi

Amir Shayan Tatari

Hesam Keshavarz

Azin Mebadi

​Dr. Farin Soleymani

Human resources manager

 CEO Advisor ​​​​​​​


Director of the design 








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