Our Heros

Although the range of products of "Sarirmed" company is varius, prostheses are considered our strength. Organ amputation and the need to use artificial organs, contrary to popular belief, is very common and possible. In our country, Iran, unfortunately, the definite belief and culture of the member is considered as a flaw or defect, while it is only a difference. Although a range of people who use our services always welcome beauty products such as beauty prostheses, our other products are attractive to applicants even with colors and designs that are very different from the body color. The company "Renovation of Serir Member" considers culture building as its social responsibility and always tries to bring together different people from all walks of life to take a step, however small, in the direction of improving the knowledge and culture of this region.
Transparency and honesty are the main pillars of the Sarir collection, and therefore our clients willingly and voluntarily provide us with their videos and photos in order to show the effectiveness of prostheses and to attract the opinion of others in need. All the published videos and photos were taken with the written permission of the volunteers and the right to publish them is reserved only for the company "Sarirmed".

+9821- 66470467
+98910- 2332986

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