Cosmetic prosthetics manufactured by Sarirmed, are based on the 3D scan of residual limb and are produced with an accuracy of 100 µm. Elimination of the need for casting is only one of the advantages offered by Sarirmed, which enhances the patient comfort and accelerates the production time. Furthermore, these prosthetics are resistant to impact, wear, and compression, and are available in both generic shape and personalized shapes. High production accuracy, low weight, personalized design, as well as an affordable price are some of the offered advantages. Moreover, these products could be used along with silicon gloves produced by Sarirmed.  ​​​​​​​

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Beautiful and accurate in recapitulating natural organ, a low weight of less than 300 g.

Manufacturing based on 3D scan of remaining limbs to mimic the individual design accurately

Affordable prices despite highest quality​​​​​​​

biocompatible, highly strong, and low weight materials used in the production process​​​​​​​

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